Acceptable Usage Policy

WebAble's services are intended to provide a secure and reliable hosting environment for all clients. This Acceptable Usage Policy ("AUP") outlines the guidelines and restrictions for using our hosting services. By using our services, you agree to comply with this AUP.

Prohibited Activities:

You shall not use our services to engage in any of the following activities:

  1. Illegal Activities: Engaging in any activity that violates applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to copyright infringement, distribution of illegal content, and unauthorized access to computer systems.
  2. Abusive Behavior: Sending unsolicited emails, spam, phishing, or engaging in any form of abusive behavior that negatively impacts other users or networks.
  3. Malicious Activities: Distributing malware, viruses, or engaging in hacking, cracking, or any other malicious activities that compromise the security of our services or other users' data.
  4. Unauthorized Access: Attempting to access or gain unauthorized control over accounts, systems, networks, or servers owned by WebAble or other users.
  5. Resource Abuse: Engaging in activities that excessively consume server resources, such as excessive CPU usage, memory usage, or bandwidth consumption that affects the overall performance of our services.
  6. Adult Content: Hosting or distributing adult content, pornography, or explicit material without prior written consent from WebAble.
  7. Spam: Sending unsolicited commercial emails or promoting any services through spam or other prohibited methods.
  8. Violating Intellectual Property: Infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright, trademark, or patent rights.
  9. Distributing Harmful Content: Hosting or distributing content that is defamatory, offensive, or harmful to others.
  10. Phishing: Engaging in phishing activities to deceive users into providing sensitive information.
  11. Free Services (Reseller Hosting Accounts Excluded): You must not use our hosting accounts to offer any kind of free services, including but not limited to free web hosting, free email services, free blogging services, free home pages, free image hosting, and free trial accounts. This prohibition is in place to prevent abuse, resource consumption, and potential legal violations associated with free services.

Consequences of Violations:

Failure to comply with this AUP may result in immediate suspension or termination of your hosting services without notice. WebAble reserves the right to investigate violations and take appropriate action, including legal remedies.

Reporting Violations:

If you become aware of any violations of this AUP, please report them to WebAble's abuse department at

Changes to AUP:

WebAble reserves the right to modify or update this AUP at any time. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised AUP on our website.

By using our hosting services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by this AUP. This AUP is in addition to other terms and conditions outlined in our Service Agreement.